Precision Engineering in Oncology: Advances and Applications of CRISPR Technology in Cancer Modeling Using Murine Models

Oojas Pardeshi *

Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur, India and Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Science University, Nagpur, India.

Mohit Mahalle

Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur, India and Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Science University, Nagpur, India.

Aditya Mahajan

Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur, India and Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Science University, Nagpur, India.

Mayur Patil

Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur, India and Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Science University, Nagpur, India.

Yatharth Nandurkar

Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur, India and Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Science University, Nagpur, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The innovative CRISPR-Cas9 system, which was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020, has altered genetic manipulation, allowing researchers to better understand human illnesses. The CRISPR/Cas system, or "genetic scissors," developed by Nobel laureates Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna, enables flexible and straightforward genome editing [1]. CRISPR/Cas9 has been widely used in cancer research, but it has now been extended to in vivo techniques, improving human disease modelling [2]. Despite advances in cancer therapy, current medications have substantial toxicity and low success rates. Cancer researchers get insight into intricate tumor biology within dynamic physiological systems by using transgenic mice models [3]. Because of the complexities of the cancer genome, which includes multiple mutations, translocations, and chromosomal changes, exact models are required for thorough knowledge. CRISPR-Cas9 and its variations are RNA-guided nucleases that provide diverse and user-friendly platforms for site-specific genome editing, revolutionising gene editing by imitating genetic processes in human cancer cells [4]. CRISPR high throughput genetic screening and barcoding uncover genes associated with treatment resistance, metastasis, and carcinogenesis, allowing the monitoring and research of cancer cell adaptations [5]. This review focuses on how CRISPR-Cas9 has been used to create precise germline and somatic mice models, allowing researchers to better understand the evolution and course of individual tumours [6]. The successes and pitfalls of these techniques are discussed, emphasising their promise for improving functional cancer genomics and altering the landscape of precision cancer therapy. Future CRISPR breakthroughs promise more precise genome editing and complex cancer models, which will help understand tumor progression and design successful therapies.

Keywords: CRISPR-Cas9, In vivo modeling, transgenic mice models, precision cancer therapy, high throughput genetic screening, ethical considerations, tumor evolution, carcinogenesis Pathways, CRISPR barcoding, cancer research

How to Cite

Pardeshi, Oojas, Mohit Mahalle, Aditya Mahajan, Mayur Patil, and Yatharth Nandurkar. 2024. “Precision Engineering in Oncology: Advances and Applications of CRISPR Technology in Cancer Modeling Using Murine Models”. Asian Journal of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 7 (2):185-201.


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