Certified Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) G1 Tubers Production at Different Weight and Planting Distances of G0 Tubers in Lebanon
M. Dalleh
Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Beirut Arab University, Debbieh, Lebanon.
J. Borjac
Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Beirut Arab University, Debbieh, Lebanon.
G. Younes
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Beirut Arab University, Debbieh, Lebanon.
E. Choueiri
Department of Plant Protection, Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute, Tal Amara Station, Ahleh, Lebanon.
A. Chehade
Department of Plant Biotechnology, Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute, Tal Amara Station, Plant Tissue Culture Unit, Zahleh, Lebanon.
A. Elbitar *
Department of Plant Biotechnology, Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute, Tal Amara Station, Plant Tissue Culture Unit, Zahleh, Lebanon.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Plant spacing and seed tuber size are important agronomic management practices in the production of potato. Three weights of G0 potato tubers (W1 < 10g; 10g< W2< 20g; 20g< W3< 30g) and two planting distances (D1: 10 cm and D2: 20 cm) with a potato variety Spunta were taken in a study from March to June during the 2022 planting season at the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI, Tal Amara), Bekaa, Lebanon. The objective was to observe the effect of G0 tuber weights and planting distance on average weight (AWe), average number (AN), average length (AL), average width (AW) and production/m2 of G1 potato tubers cultivar Spunta in Lebanon. The largest G0 tubers (20g< W3< 30g) planted at widest distance (D2: 20 cm) yielded the maximum significant weight, length, width and yield of 41.75 g 6.63, 3.57 cm and 11.52 Kg/m2 respectively of G1 tubers produced whereas the lowest average in these traits (4.19g, 2.89 cm, 1.49 cm and 3.49 Kg/m2) were obtained in smallest G0 tuber weight (W1 < 10g) and closest planting distance (D1: 10 cm). The highest number of G1 tubers (24) was obtained with smallest G0 tubers (W1< 10 g) planted at the closest plant spacing 10 cm, while the lowest number (12) was obtained in the largest size G0 tuber (20g< W3< 30g) with the closest distance 10cm. To conclude, we outline a protocol to produce potato seeds cultivar Spunta in Lebanon by evaluating the field performance of different size potato tuber and planting distances. Our findings suggest planting G0 tuber of W< 10 g at spacing distance of 10 cm. This will increase the number of G1 tubers obtained and provide access to broader international markets.
Keywords: Solanum tuberosum L, G0 tuber, spunta, G1 tuber
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