Prof. Armando Zepeda Bastida

He is a Full-Time Research Professor with research line in Veterinary Biotechnology in Agricultural Science Institute of the Autonomous University of Hidalgo State, Mexico. He obtained  Doctorate in Science with a specialty in Cell Biology.  Some of his  published papers : 1) Ocampo-López J., García-Vázquez L. M., Ayala-Martínez M., Soto-Simental S. y Zepeda-Bastida A. 2022. Effects of Zingiber officinale as a feed additive on productive parameters, carcass quality and meat quality in growing rabbits. R. Bras. Zootec. 51:e20200203; 2) García-Vázquez L., Fernández-Vargas G., Ocampo-López J., Ayala-Martínez M., Hernández-Aco R. y Zepeda-Bastida A. 2021. Biosegurity practices/parasite reduction relationship in rabbit farms in the Tulancingo Valley. Abanico Agroforestal. 3:1-12.; 3) Ortiz-Gutiérrez LJ, Soto-Simental S, Zepeda-Bastida A, Ocampo-López J, Ayala-Martínez M. 2021.Uso de Dalbergia palo-escrito como alternativa vegetal para el curtido de la piel de conejo. Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios. 8(3):e2967. ; 4) Zepeda-Bastida A, Ocampo-López J., Alarcón-Sánchez B.R., Idelfonso-García O.G., Rosas-Madrigal S., Aparicio-Bautista D.I., Pérez-Carreón J.I., Villa-Treviño S. y Arellanes-Robledo J. 2021. Aqueous extracts from Tenebrio molitor larval and pupal stages inhibit early hepatocarcinogenesis in vivo. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B. 22(12):1045-1052.; 5) García-Vázquez L.M., Ayala-Martínez M., Soto-Simental S., Ocampo-López J. y Zepeda-Bastida A. 2021. Effects of spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) infusion in drinking water during rabbit fattening on the microbial and physicochemical qualities of the end meat product. International Food Research Journal. 28(3):594-602. ISSN (Online): 2231 7546.; 6) Mendoza-Ramírez N., Ayala-Martínez M., Soto-Simental S., Zepeda-Bastida A., Ocampo-López J. y García-Vázquez L.M. 2021. Tithonia tubaeformis forage with medicinal properties, an alternative for animal feed. Boletín de Ciencias Agropecuarias del ICAP, Publicación semestral 7(13):1-3. ISSN: 2448-5357.; 7) Hernández-Neri D.C., Ayala-Martínez M., Soto-Simental S., Zepeda-Bastida A., Ocampo-López J. y Apáez-Barrios J. 2021. Extraordinary uses for guamúchil (Pithecellobium dulce). Boletín de Ciencias Agropecuarias del ICAP, Publicación semestral 7(13):4-6; 8) Chávez-Hernández J.A., García-Vázquez L.M., Ayala-Martínez M., Soto-Simental S., Ocampo-López J. y Zepeda-Bastida A. 2021. Phenotypic and microscopic description of isolated bacteria of cecal content of rabbits with epizootic enteropathy in farms of Tulancingo Valley. Boletín de Ciencias Agropecuarias del ICAP, Publicación semestral 7(13):7-10.